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Event Details

    WV SHRM Leadership Conference

    Date: April 1-2, 2016
    WV SHRM State Council
    Stonewall Resort in Roanoke, WV
    Event Type:
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    WV SHRM State Council Members & Chapter Presidents:

    As you may know, the SHRM State Council holds a leadership conference each year.  Our conference is scheduled for April 1-2 at the Stonewall Resort in Roanoke, WV.  I will forward a copy of the agenda at a later date for your review. 

    State Council members and chapter leadership members (officers) are invited to this event, free of charge.  This includes your hotel room on Friday, April 1, and your dinner on April 1, breakfast and lunch on April 2, and various snacks.  Your spouse/partner and children may also attend at no cost on April 1 and for those meals on April 2!  Further, you can get a discounted rate if you should wish to stay on April 2!

    We would like to see 2-4 officers from each chapter attend this event.  Please distribute this information to all chapter officers.

    Anyone wishing to attend must RSVP to me by March 14th and not only let me know if they will be attending, but also if they want to stay on April 2 in addition to April 1.  They will need to make reservations themselves for that night, but we can provide them with the correct contact person to make that reservation. 

    Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should have any questions.



    Regina Turner