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    Workplace Violence

    Date: March 20, 2018
    Woods Rogers PLC
    Roanoke Higher Education Center, Roanoke, VA
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    Workplace Violence: Legal Liabilities for Employers

    Location: Roanoke Higher Education Center, Roanoke, VA
    Speakers: Victor O. Cardwell, Esq. and Stephen A. Burt, BS, MFA
    Target Audience: HR Directors, Safety Officers, Security Supervisors, OSHA Coordinators


    Topic overview – Workplace violence has become a serious issue for employers throughout the United States. When workplace violence happens the first question many ask is, “Could it have been prevented?” The second question is, “How?”Sometimes there are no answers for the senseless tragedies that we see play out around the country and the world, but one thing is certain: Planning for the worst case scenario can only help!

    Ask yourself, "do you or your employees know what to do in a "live shooter" scenario? We want to work together to create a positive change in this environment but to do so we must first gain an understanding of the different types of workplace violence situations and the factors which may give us guidance as to potential threats,

    Most employers in this country have no program or policy addressing workplace violence, and among those who have a policy, most or outdated or out of touch with the current conditions we face.

    Course Highlights: During this 3-hour program, Victor Cardwell, Woods Rogers, and Steve Burt, Woods Rogers Consulting, along with guest speaker)s, will discuss the legal framework for dealing with these issues and work with you to be prepared to address all forms of workplace violence. This seminar will focus on some of the legal issues associated with the balance between protecting staff and the various laws involving hiring, firing, company policies, and dealing with potentially violent people in the workplace. OSHA has become more involved releasing Guidance Documents and Compliance Directives, so these will be reviewed with attendees in detail.

    Objectives The following topics will be addressed:

    • The "live shooter" scenario – What to do!
    • How Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace Can lead to Violence
    • Negligent Hiring and Negligent Retention
    • Types of Violence including Domestic Violence and its Consequences at Work
    • The American with Disabilities Act
    • Vicarious Liability for Employee Conduct
    • OSHA Implications and the Types of Violence in the Workplace
    • The Early Warning Signs of Violence and Recognizing Red Flags
    • Characteristics of the Violent Employee
    • Measures to Mitigate Workplace Violence