Event Details
Talent Development
Date: | September 5, 2023, 1:00pm – 2:00pm |
Organizer: | SWVA SHRM |
Location: | Zoom - https://vccs.zoom.us/j/87886263259?pwd=RlNaNk96aW44Sk9GdVBab3Avd2dFdz09 |
Price: | FREE |
Event Type: | Webinar |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
In this session, we will learn about creating and implementing effective internal Talent Development programs at our companies. Our speaker will:
- define and articulate what Talent Development is and is not; how organizational culture supports the learning and development (L&D) within the organization,
- describe what successful internal talent development looks like,
- discuss the organization’s philosophy on learning and development (expressed in the policies, budget, and programs),
- outline the components of an effective L&D program,
- share effective first steps for people just starting such a program, and
- design a logic model that would serve as the backdrop for the development of a sustainable program.